The Project

The composer and pianist Nikolai Medtner (1880-1951) deserves an important place on today’s concert stages.

Mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Levental and pianist Frank Peters devote themselves to this project to better spread the renown of his music, specifically to that of his songs

They are now giving extensive concert tours and are in the process of making recordings of his complete vocal repertoire – consisting of more than 100 songs – to be released in a unique series of CD’s.

Medtner’s music reveals worlds different from ours; worlds unmistakably his. An architect able to grade diamonds with sound. He manifests prophecy, sincerity, willfulness, tranquility, tempestuousness, and always manages to guide the essence of truth. It is with these traits that he is able to create a new, personal, and pure beauty.

The first four editions of the CDs were received with great success by the press and public. One speaks of a “triumph” and praises the convincing way the music is approached and performed.

The first CD “Incantation” won the main Russian music prize Pure Sound Award in September 2021. Pure Sound Award is presented by the Russian Music Union for the best recording of Russian music. Our CD won the award in the “Vocal Chamber Music” category.

Medtner’s music represents something very special. It is unmistakable: the melodies and harmonies are inimitable in the way they are drawn from the piano, an instrument cherished by both Medtner and Chopin. Today, almost 70 years after Medtner’s death, we, the creators of this project, want to bring about that the heroic, self-sacrificing work to which he devoted his entire life was not in vain.
His music, imbued with the power of his mighty spirit and the beauty he believed in, means discovering a new life. – Frank Peters and Ekaterina Levental

Medtner Project in the Press

Review by Ben Taffijn, Nieuwe Noten, May 2024

Review by Hans Visser, Noord-Hollands Dagblad, April 2023

Review by Aart van der Wal in Opus Klassiek, February 2023

Review of Lynn René Bayley in The Art Music Lounge, February 2023

Interview Passaggio Late Night, with Pieter van Nes, Feb. 17, 2023

Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz in Fanfare Magazine USA, Sep/Oct. 2022

Review by Henriette Posthuma de Boer in De Liedvriend, April 2022

Review by Arnoud Heerings in Katholiek Nieuwsblad, February 2022

Review of Lynn René Bayley in The Art Music Lounge, January 2022

Review by Gerard Scheltens in Opus Klassiek, November 2021

Review by Peter J. Rabinowitz in Fanfare Magazine USA, Sep/Oct. 2021

Publication in The New Muse by Elger Niels, June 2021

Live TV broadcast Podium Witteman, April 11, 2021

Review by Marnix Bilderbeek in Luister Magazine, April 2021

Review by Margarethe Coonstra in ND, March 2021

Review by Benjamin Rous in Classical Business, March 2021

Review of Lynn René Bayley in The Art Music Lounge, February 2021

Review by Jan de Kruijff in Musikalifeiten, February 2021

Review by Gerard Scheltens in Opus Klassiek, February 2021

Review by Jenny Camilleri in De Volkskrant, February 2021

Program live from Spiegelzaal Concertgebouw, Feb. 7, 2021

Program Podium, NPO Radio 4 with Dieuwertje Blok, Feb. 5, 2021

Article by Peter van der Lint in Trouw, February 2021

Radio 4 NPO Evening Concert, Feb. 4, 2021 from the Bethlehem Church Amsterdam

Review Fanfare Magazine USA, December 2020

Article by Olga de Kort in Piano Forum Russia, December 2020

Review by Olga de Kort in Piano Bulletin, December 2020

Review by Basia Jaworksi on Basia con Fuoco, December 2020

Review of Lynn René Bayley in The Art Music Lounge, August 2020

Review by Piet Baaijens in Reformatorisch Dagblad, July 2020

Review by Gerard van der Leeuw in The Red Lion, June 2020

Article by Sandra Kooke in Trouw, May 2020

Article by Joep Christenhusz in NRC, May 2020

Article by Guido van Oorschot in the Volkskrant, May 2020

Review CD Incantation by Margaretha Coornstra, Nederlands Dagblad, May 2020

Review by Hans Visser in Noordhollands Dagblad / Gooi en Eemlander / Leidsch Dagblad / Haarlems Dagblad, May 2020

Review by Erik Voermans in the Parool, May 2020

Review by Bas van Putten in the Groene Amsterdammer, May 2020

Review by Erik Voermans in The Dagblad van het Noorden and Leeuwarder Courant, May 2020

Review in ZING Magazine, May 2020

Review by Gerard Scheltens in Opus Klassiek, May 2020

Article by Hein van Eekert in Classical Affairs, May 2020

Article by François van den Anker in Place de l’Opera, May 2020

Review by Maarten-Jan Dongelmans in De Gelderlander, May 2020

Review by Jan de Kruijff in Musicalifeiten, May 2020

NPO Radio 4, 5 broadcasts in the program Passagio, Hollandse Nieuwe section by Lex Bohlmeijer, May 11-15, 2020

NPO Radio 4, Program Podium, interview with Hans Haffmans, from 6:03 p.m.