Medtner at Podium Eibergen – 4 November 2023
On 4 November 2023, Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters will give a complete Medtner recital at the Brackman Farm – Podium Eibergen.
The programme consists of German-language songs to the lyrics of a.o. Goethe, Nietsche, Eichendorf, Chamisso, Sonate Vocalise op. 41 and songs in Russian-language op. 61 on the texts of Pushkin en Tyutschev
Who is Nikolai Medtner? Rachmaninoff dedicated his fourth piano concerto to him, calling him “the greatest composer of our time”. Medtner called himself “a pupil of Beethoven”, even though he lived a century later than his great example. Pianist Frank Peters and mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Levental went in search of the man and the music behind the name and discovered a completely new treasure trove of song repertoire. Using this repertoire and performing his music they will tell their story why this composer made such a deep impression on them.
Download the lyrics of the songs of this concert here