

Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters are responsible for processing personal data as reflected in this privacy statement.

Contact info:
Linnaeusparkweg 64 hs
1098 EE Amsterdam
+3120 6920853
info @

What data do we process and for what purpose?

  • We use your name and email address several times a year for our newsletter if you have signed up for it. If you purchase a CD we will use your address to send it to you. Otherwise, no data is used or stored by us.

How are they processed and managed?

  • Your data is processed manually, by us personally.
  • As soon as you request it, we destroy the data.
  • We take your privacy very seriously, and never share your information with third parties.
  • We do not use cookies or similar techniques ourselves, other than Google Analytics and the tracking techniques that Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook themselves have built in on the Social Media we use.
  • If you visit our website, you agree to the data exchange with Google Analytics. Google Analytics collects anonymous data, so this data is not associated with your name or email address. Google Analytics uses cookies to examine how users use our website and how to improve that experience. These Google Analytics cookies are anonymized by us: the last 3 digits of your IP address remain unknown.
  • If you sign up for the newsletter, you agree to the data exchange with MailChimp. Mailchimp acts as an intermediary in sending email messages and only performs actions initiated by us.
  • We have the following agreements with /from these service providers:
  • You have the option to refuse data collection from Google Analytics by downloading the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your current Internet browser. For that, click here


How can you view, modify or delete data?

  • You may access, correct or delete your personal data at any time. You may also withdraw any consent or object to the processing of your data.
  • If so, please send us an e-mail with your request, and we will do our best to handle it within 1 business day, unless it takes a little longer in fairness due to vacation, illness or other force majeure.

Further safeguards

  • You also have the option of filing a complaint with the national regulator, the Personal Data Authority at:
  • We take the protection of your data seriously and take appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact.